Heating Oil Policy
131 Ballard St.
Saugus MA, 01906
Company Policy:
- Marchetti Commercial Fuels Inc. is an automatic and fill-up service only. You may cancel this service at any time. We will base your deliveries on daily temperatures and elements. We use a degree-day based program.
- During severe storms, a safe pathway is required to access your fill pipe. This ensures the delivery can be made in a safe and timely manner.
- Marchetti Commercial Fuels Inc. is not responsible for any faulty equipment, homeowners receiving delivery are to maintain good standing oil tank/s and interior systems. Annual cleaning and inspections are highly recommended. Call us to inquire about heating service questions.
- A credit card on file is required to finalize your account. Once your account is matured, balances must be paid within 10 days to avoid a late fee. If there is a delinquency, additional fees will apply at the determination of Marchetti Commercial Fuels Inc.
- If you choose to terminate auto delivery, WRITTEN CANCELLATION is required via email, if this is not done you will be charged a delivery attempt fee.
** By filling out a customer form you are agreeing to this company policy, A copy will be automatically emailed to you upon sign up.
If you have anything additional you would like to bring to our attention, to assist us in your home delivery please do not hesitate to reach out to a team member.
Thanks for your trust and we look forward to providing quality service!
Forms of payment:
All Major Credit Cards (.0189 retail price adjustment) when used
Please Remit Payments To:
Marchetti Commercial Fuels Inc.
131 Ballard St
Saugus, MA 01906
Phone: 781-558-5595